Follow Socks

You ever notice how your socks seem to run off...completely disappear? This is their story. The story of your favorite pair that got away.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

There's this cookie in my room

There’s this cookie I’ve been holding on to for about two weeks now. Had it since I left for Chicago. I just ate it a few moments ago.

I’m in my new room in my new apartment sitting on my new bed. Lots of new things. Man was my move a bust, complete disaster. The woman whose studio I was supposed to be subletting in midtown east turned out to be a crazy. I should have listened to my sister. She advised me of the psychotic ways of older woman with frazzled hair and four cats. I didn’t listen.

Anyhow, the cat lady is in the past. I now live in Long Island City, two blocks from six different trains and only one stop from Manhattan. I like it. How I ended up here is anyone’s guess. I was in a jam, needed a place fast. I gave my old roommates notice of my departure, was smiling all the way, and then bam - I found myself sleeping on the couch, having to move my stuff out to make room for the new roommate, the new me. It was bad.

So the new apartment, new neighborhood, new bed and new me are mixing things up a bit. I now order fresh direct because the local food store consists of Gabe’s Food. They have a little bit of everything and a lot of nothing. I am on my second day of getting up extra early in order to work out before taking a shower and going to work. I like it. However, most of my work out routines last seven days - 10 days tops. I’ll keep you posted.

I need to buy new work shoes because my current ones are starting to smell. Need to buy new work pants because my current ones are getting holes in them, and I need to buy new work socks because I can’t find half of them. I have this mental block when it comes to buying work clothes. I hate work clothes. But, being that the new Dave has a little more sense than the old Dave, he realized that he is spending on average 40 hours a week in his work clothes (not including the time commuting), and given the fact that there’s 168 hours in a week, of which a minimum of 35 hours are spent sleeping (aka no clothes), then one could come to the conclusion that 168 minus 35 equals 133. And 40 divided into 133 equals approximately .30. Bam. Thirty percent of my week is spent in my work clothes. I really need to buy more work clothes.

While on the topic of work clothes, I have to say how uncool I feel in them. Button down shirt, dress pants, belt...Tuck in your shirt, don’t tuck in your shirt but wonder if people are going to talk about your untucked shirt. Black socks, black shoes. Brown belt, brown shoes. Iron. Everything must be ironed. This whole work clothes situation can kill a man. Makes you common, predictable. I know what you’re about work clothes. I see you.

I believe it to be my duty to take pictures of my new apartment, and my new room, and of course my new bed. I will take them and post them. I will do just that. Just remind me.

If you’ve heard about the Virgin Festival (.com) then you’ve heard about the massive dance/electronica tent. I helped build that lineup. Being the electronica connoisseur that I am, I was able to get Holden, RJD2, 2 Many Djs, Diggers and Cox under the same tent. Tiesto is in too, but that wasn’t my call. I would have left him out. So I’m not sure if I want to film the dance tent or if I want to invite a bunch of friends, get them a bunch of artist passes and take a bunch of drugs. I’m still sitting on that one.
But I really need to make up my mind soon. If I decide to go with the friends route, I will have to inform them. People are busy these days. They need notice. Fuck. Work or no work? Film or friends? Friends or film? Both? Nah that never works.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Been super busy.

It's been a long time since I've posted.
I was trying to stay with it daily, or even every other day. Just hasn't worked out.
I have a ton of pictures and reviews from Lollapalooza.

The girl I stayed with turned out to be SUPER cool,
and a BABE.
Her friends were really awesome as well.

I should be in my new apartment by now but the shit hit the fan and now I'm totally screwed, sleeping on the couch of my old apartment.
Funny how things work out.

I have a wedding coming up and need to buy or borrow a sharp suit.

My friends are calling me and I just haven't been returning calls.

I've stayed late at work the past three days and STILL can't dig myself out.

Being stressed out blows.

It started to downpour on my way home tonight.
I decided to walk it.
It felt refreshing to just get soaked and laugh in the rain.
Like a kid again.

I've included a clip below from one of the bands I really enjoyed at Lollapalooza.
Give me about a week, maybe two, and I'll have a short 10 minute film about the festival posted.
(I'm sorry if the file is very large. I have no time to compress it right now.)
